

What is Trips ?

Trips tool creates custom day-by-day itineraries backed by traveler reviews, allowing users to book flights, accommodations, and activities in one transaction, and offers a mobile app to organize trip details and track bookings.

Features :

🗺️ Personalized itineraries created using OpenAI’s generative AI technology.

🌍 Utilizes human insights from over a billion reviews and opinions to deliver reliable guidance.

🏨 Provides comprehensive hotel summaries powered by AI.

🎉 Offers personalized experience, attraction, and dining recommendations.

💰 Accessible to U.S. users via desktop and mobile web.

📱 Beta version available for creating comprehensive itineraries within minutes.

🌎 Focuses primarily on experience, attraction, and dining recommendations.

🤖 Continuously upgraded to improve the personalization of AI-powered results and recommendations.

🛣️ Allows users to save all content they interact with to a Trip as they build their travel plans.

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